Manchester University has become the first in the UK and the World to acquire and embrace TCG's Styromelt Technology for Polystyrene (EPS) recycling on its main City Centre Campus
Manchester University House Services are now able to collect polystyrene packaging* in the same way as they collect cardboard.
Polystyrene will be returned to the Environmental Services Unit Depot where it will be treated using a #Styromelt thermal compaction unit operated by Campus Cleansing. It will then be collected and re-processed by UK based recyclers who process it into pellets, after which, it is mainly used for making insulation products, or items such as seed trays, picture frames and garden furniture.
With only 4 days to go until this years Waste Expo in Las Vegas, 6th to 9th May. Tim Hourahine AMCIWM - ♻️Recycling Specialist♻️ & Phil Davison-Sebry would welcome the chance to speak with other companies interested in embracing our innovative equipment. This includes Sterimelt, Styromelt & Massmelt. Our technology can go into many different industries as long as they produce waste. Reduce your carbon footprint. Make your business and or organisations more sustainable. Help create a circular economy ♻️ ?
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